Archive for carl sagan


Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , on June 6, 2011 by workshyjoe

In the comments of a previous post, Bobby wrote:

The years don´t pass in vain. I used to look at a nice set of tits and ass and kinda dwell on it. Now I just think to myself ¨well isn´t that nice¨ and move on. I am not obsesively thinking about there being a pussy between those legs. Anymore, these thoughts leave my brain about as fast as they entered. Honest to god, I am enjoying my maturity; I feel so much more relaxed. Oh, and life is becoming more and more about ME.

Joe, that cat and I have alot in common.

I’ll turn forty in a couple of years and I think I know what Bobby’s talking about there.

Tranquility. Repose. Rest. Calm. Peace.

Although I don’t know what’s around the next corner any more than a man half my age I am much better at putting things into context now.

Carl Sagan has a neat way of spelling it out: